Election, Black Friday, and Hokkaido
Did you vote in the election last Sunday in Osaka?
If yes, which candidate did you vote for?
Who did you vote for for mayor? How about governor?
Since I don't have the right to vote in Japan, I couldn't cast my ballot. It is a shame. But, I heard that about 17% more people turned out to vote for the election this time compared to last time.
FYI, only Japanese citizens, in other words those people with Japanese nationality, have the right to vote. I am a resident of Japan, but my nationality and citizenship in American.
Here is an article about the winners!
"Hashimoto, Matsui win twin Osaka polls"
from The Japan Times online
To change the subject, I read a positive headline, "Americans set record for shopping on Black Friday weekend," about the economy on Yahoo.com yesterday.
Two main points of the article were:
1. For retailers, it was a robust start to the holiday season
2. It seems that many consumers saved up all year and decided to splurge a little
For the full article, click here:
Below are some photos from Mr. S. He went to Hokkaido last week. I am jealous of him because I have never been to Hokkaido, but I really want to go there one day...
He also gave me a hand-made wooden letter opener, which was made by Ainu People, who are "Native Japanese," kinda like "Native Americans."
Ohotsuku Sea
According to Mr. S, "On a clear day you can can see Russia...
maybe the coast is about 100km from Russia, but don't quote me on that."
"I took this photo from the room in the hotel. It is Daisetsu National Park."
There is a prison (jail) in this city, but none of my friends are there :)!"
"This is Lake Akan. It is famous for "marimo," which is like a beautiful green ball of moss which rests on the bottom of the lake. You can see marimo because Lake Akan is the clearest lake in the world!!! If you can't understand my explanation of marimo, just google it!"
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