Raul vs Luis (blog by Luis)
The other day I was on my way home by train and I heard some school kids commenting about me.
Situations such as this happen quite often with foreigners especially when you go to the countryside.
In this case I could understand they were comparing me with a famous spanish soccer player, Raul Gonzales. It wasn't the first time I have been told about my similarities with him. I was just surprised to see small children on the opposite side of the world recognizing slight differences between Westerners.
I wish I was that good at playing football (this is how "soccer" in Europe is called), and could earn so much money, but I would never exchange my wife with his :)
Am I that similar?
Can you distinguish the differences between Europeans and Americans?
How about between Asians?
How about between Asians?
To change the topic. the below is interesting.
I asked Glenn for his answer and he said:
"The Emperor. I would really like to sit down with him, and talk face to face about many things. I would ask him such questions as:
What do you eat for breakfast every day?
Have you ever gone out by yourself, without any security?
If not, then if you could, where would you go?
Was it love at first sight when you met your wife?
Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what kind do you like?
I could go on and on... "
"If you could meet any living Japanese person, who would it be?"
from The Japan Times Online
The below photos are courtesy of Ms. e and from her trip to Kumano-Kodo.
Have you ever been there?
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