Thursday, February 7


The other day, Mr. W sent me an email with the above photo. This the email:
"Hello Glenn.
How's everything going?
As you know I went to Hainan Island with my family last month.
We had a great time.
While we were there, we went to an zoo. It was really interesting!
I attached a photo. Do you know what kind of animal it is?"

I replied:
"Of course I do.  It is a lion!"

He responded:
"As I thought. You are not as smart as you look! You are wrong! It is called a Liger! It is half lion (the father) and half tiger (the mother)!  And this Liger is a male.  If it were a female, it would look like a tiger!  If you don't believe me, then google it!"

I didn't believe him, so I did exactly as he said, I googled it.  He was right.

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