Saturday, February 2

Real English Five-stand

The other day I had a meeting with my friend Mike.  After we wrapped up the business discussion, he dropped a bombshell on me.  Here is how the conversation went:
Mike: Now that we got that out of the way,  I have something to tell you, some big news.
Glenn: Should I sit down?
Mike: Nah, you can stay standing up.
Glenn: Cool. So what is it?
Mike:  I decided to get married.  I haven't popped the question yet, I am going to do it soon.  How did you do it?
Glenn:  I proposed to Kyoko on September 2nd, at our barbecue.  It was around 5pm and the weather was nice.  Actually, we weren't speaking at the time because we were in a fight...but after she saw the diamond, we made up and ate a lot of barbecued beef, chicken and pork!  Anyway, how long have you been together?
Mike:  14 years.
Glenn: 14 years?! Really?  That's a long time to keep someone waiting.  
Mike: I know.  I am a slow mover. It takes me a while to do things.
Glenn:  Well, let me know how it goes.  I hope she says "Yes"!
Mike:  What do you mean hope?  Of course she will say Yes.  It's a gimme.
Glenn:  Don't count your chickens before the hatch, Mike. Nothing is a gimme.  But, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Mike:  Thanks a lot. I appreciate it!

Let me tell you a little about Mike.  I met him about 5 years ago while standing in line to get into my favorite Happy Hour place.  He stood out because he had long blond hair at that time.  He is a stand-up guy who used to be a stand-up comedian before he became a teacher.  In addition, he always stands up for what he believes in.  If I was ever sick, I am sure he would stand in for me and be a substitute teacher.  

The photos below are from Mr. W's trip to Hainan Island in China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does "gimme" mean? "gimme" means "give me", right?