Friday, January 5

Happy New Year!

Hi everybody. It`s now 2007. How did you spend your New Year`s vacation. I relaxed a lot and also exercised a lot! (Are you surprised?!) Maybe I slimmed down a little! I love waterfalls...The sound, the mist spray of the water, everything... Ms. O sent me these waterfall photos (thank you!) and I thought that they were a good way to begin the new year. Hope everyone has a great and healthy year!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year too!
I wish I will study a lot of things in this year.
I can do it (may be).

glenn said...

Hey Ken! What do you want to study this year?

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn.

I should need to learn a lot on things.
I may study philosophy o life, human relations, business knowledge and English.

It looks like serious topics so I didn't mention your blog.
However, I don't think these thing so serious.
Just my object of in the year.

glenn said...

I don`t think they are so "serious" either. I htink they are normal. How do you plan to study all of these things? About human relations, I recommend to TALK to people and do less mixi ;)!!! Just joking! I think you can achieve your goal is you try Ken. Good luck!