Wednesday, January 31

My friend Ken just got an ipod. I really want to get one too but I am still behind the times...Many people I know have an ipod or something like an ipod. They listen to music and many of my students also download english listening training and study while commuting to work on the train. And some people record the class on a voice recorder in order to listen to the recording after their lesson. That is impressive! Many of the students (maybe ;) are very eager and enthusiastic to study as much as they can! Do you have an iopd or a voice recorder or something? Check out the "comments" for Ken`s comments on his ipod. Enjoy the last day in January!


glenn said...

from KEN:

got ipod which I wanted since last year.
Softbank mobile is conducting "with ipod" campaign for cell phone sales promotion so I could get cell phone and the ipod a cheap price.

I'm surprise that the ipod can be pack a lot of music titles.
My ipod have 1000 music titles and 70 albums capacity.
I thought a ipod will drives out car audio.
If I have ipod then I don't need car audio, I may satisfy just radio only.

When I'm high school student, I had "walkman".
It was the most popular and best music player of the world.
But now, I think the title moved ipod.

I like Ai Ootsuka's songs but there was made by Copy Controlled Compact Disk so I can not listen by ipod.
I wish avex which Ms. Ai's record company will change their company policy as soon.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for show my i-pod story.
Yes, My i-pod is very cool and nice!
I want to know your students music story.
Everyone, please put your comment on his blog.
Let you join us on the blog and study English now!

glenn said...

Ken, I hope many people write on the blog too!! But... Why do you think that yo uare the only one who wirtes onthe blog? Why dont other people try too...????? Let me know your opinion!

glenn said...

p.s. Ken, What do you think of the new "Valentine`s day" theme on the blog/banner?

Anonymous said...

i, too, would like ipod. but further behind than you Glenn. New Valentine's Banner is very pretty and perfect for upcoming celebration of love.


Anonymous said...

Yah, New Valentine`s day banner is quite nice.
Now a day, I think the Valentine's day is not interesting.
Becaouse I have married.(T_T)

Let me know your Valentine's day story.
I think Japanes Valentine's day is strange conpare than American.

Please introduce your blog to students more.
And you should advise in it being useful for their English study very much to comment here

glenn said...

Thanks for the comment DLMc.

And Ken, don`t you celebrate V day with your wife? Do you have any good V day memories from your younger days?

I have many many V-day stories!! (Just joking!)

I always tell my students to read the blog for their study, but they don`t listen...