Tuesday, July 29

New friends, Part 2

So, when I was hiking the other day, besides the father and son combo I met, I also met two other new friends. Two cats. One was brown and appeared gentle, and the other was grey and showed it`s teeth many times...like a tiger! I was honestly a little scared,and I thought "maybe it has rabis", because it was a wild cat. But fortunately, it didn`t bite me and I was OK and we became friends. Seriously, I was really surprised because I found them at a very high point on the mountain(Check out the photo below) Soemtimes I see wild boar in this mountains and at this point, but I have never seen any cats or dogs...How these two cats got so high, I can not imagine.!!

I wanted to take them home with me, but in my aprartment, cats a prohibitted, so I had to give up...It was frustrating and depressing, but I thought that I had no other choice. We spent about 20 minutes together, and eventually the grey cat warmed up to me. When I go back there, I want to bring them some delicious cat food!

Yesterday there was a fierce storm and some flooding in Western Japan. Today also, it is already raining, and the weather forecast for this afternoon, is for a storm again.

Don`t froget your umbrellas and be careful out there!!

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