Wednesday, October 6

Beware of Spam mail!!!

First of all, the other day many people I know received mail came from my ezeglishhotmail. However, I never sent that mail!!! In my mail box, I received 18 mails with the following title:
"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification."
"Delivery Status Notification (Failure)‏"

This type of mail is called spam mail. In the past few months I have gotten three of the same types of mail from two people I know, Ms. M and Mr. T. There was a very small message and then a link attached. But when I opened the mail, I felt something was up, something was strange, because the message was not like messages which Ms. M and Mr. T often send me. Also, there was no opening like "Hello Glenn. How are you doing?" And, there was no ending like "Take it easy and talk to you later. Regards, Mr. T" So of course I didn't click on the link, and I just ignored the emails and erased them immediately. If any of you received such email from me the other day, I am very sorry for the inconvenience. But I do not know the reason, the cause, for this spam mail. So, in the future, if you get such an email, please just
ignore it and delete it right away!!

Below are some photos from Ms. I and Ms. J's trip to Canada. These photos were taken in the town of Victoria.

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