Wednesday, October 20

"Check Mufflers and More"

Good morning. Today I would like to hype Rie's exhibit because I really think her work is great. And I know how hard she tries and respect how much effort she makes. Also, since the temperature is dropping day by day, the timing is perfect for mufflers. Plus I read in the newspaper the other day that this winter is going to be brutally cold. Freezing like Siberia!! In order to stay warm, we are all gonna have to bundle up. Thus, I recommend you all check out the beautiful, hand-made, warm, special mufflers made by Rie and her friends.

The below message and photos are directly from Rie.
"Hi, I'm Rie.
My friends and I will hold a "Check Mufflers and More"exhibition.
The exhibition will be held from Oct. 29th to Nov. 4th.
The theme of the exhibition is checked mufflers.
In addition, there will be some handicrafts and patchwork on display.
If you are interested in weaving and handicrafts, please come to our exhibition.

Kind regards,

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