Saturday, October 16

"Triumph of faith and will"

The above is the title of an article I found while surfing the net the other day. It is from The Japan Times. Please refer to the below link for the entire article.

Last week I was mesmorized by the story about rescue of the Chilean miners. Over and over, I found myself watching the rescue scenes of all 33 miners. It was unbelievable. I was truly moved. Tears came to my eyes.

This miracle was not only a triumph of faith and will, but also the victory of modern technology. Can you imagine?! They were trapped over 600 meters underground...since August 5th. That's more than two months. 33 guys. I should rephrase myself, 33 men. And the people above the ground, with the aid of modern technology, found a way to get all of those guys up safely. What a feat! Truly amazing! Here's to all of those guys who were in that hole, and also to all thos guys who helped them get out of that hole!! Great job fellas!

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