Tuesday, December 16

Change and Sweet Potatos

It was decided that this year's word was "Change." Look at the article below for more details:
Basically the article says that "Change" two meaning. The first reason is there was a lot of (negative) change in 2008, for example, the financila crisis. The second reason is that in 2009 there will hopefully be a lot of POSITIVE change! I sure hope so!

And, to move on to another topic, did you see President Bush dodge that 10-inch shoe thrown at his himin Iraq? I was surprised that Bush is so athletic!! He was really on his toes! Not bad for a man in his 60's. If that was Prime Minister Aso, maybe the shoe would have hit him in the head!!! (=i don't think Aso is so athletic)

And another topic...It is winter, so the Sweet Potato trucks are out in force. 100 yen for a BIG sweet potato! That's a deal! And, to be honest, they are pretty delicious! BUT, i can't eat them because many years ago when I ate one, I got heart burn...It was terrible...so now I am afraid to eat another whole one again! But only a bite or two is OK. Do you like sweet potatos?

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