Monday, December 1

Kyoto Foliage

and below the photos I wrote about the new jury system which will begin in Japan next, scroll down to read.

On the news and in the newspapers recently, I have seen a lot of stories about new lay judge, or jury, system that will begin in Japan next May. There are many issues surrounding this topic. Do you want to be a juror? If you are selected for juror duty, will it be easy for you to take off work? Do you want to be responsible and decide the fate of another human being?
In America there is a jury system. It is a little different than the system which will be introduced next May in Japan, but there are some similarities. I have never been on a jury in America. Also, because I am not a Japanese citizen, I can not be selected for juror duty in Japan. So, if you are selected, please tell me all about your experience!! I am really interested to hear about it!
The below article is about this topic. Read it if you are interested and have time.
50% of eligible citizens will be called as potential lay judges"

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