Monday, December 22

A winter get-away, and illumination

After my discussion with Mr. F the other day over whiskey with perfectly round rock ice, from now on, only GOOD, HAPPY NEWS will come from this blog. If you want to read about unhappy, dark news, check out the top stories of yahoo or google. Unfortunately, I am sure you can find plenty there!!

I think it is time to take a winter get-away. A little trip! When I was a child, my parents used to take my brother and I to Florida. The weather is great, sunny, warm! It is the perfect spot!Below is a travel article about Miami. Personally, I recommend South beach!

Now, since I am in Japan, I aim to go to Okinawa or Hawaii when I need to get away.

Where do you want to go on a get-away? Do you have any great get-away places where you recommend others to go?

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